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Knowledge sharing

The Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage (KIK-IRPA) ensures the transmission of knowledge with regard to our heritage, works of art and conservation-restoration expertise. It aims to share its knowledge and expertise to the maximum extent with the heritage sector and the general public.

Knowledge sharing is part of our mission

We share knowledge in a variety of ways:

  • The Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage already plays a pioneering role in open data by ensuring that all research data collected by the Institute is available without restriction. We use the most appropriate technical means for the online transmission of our research data.
  • The Institute is present at numerous international colloquia and knowledge-sharing platforms.
  • The Institute also focuses on the publication of scientific articles and publications. Through our work on traineeships, we strive to provide the most appropriate technical means for the online transmission of our research data.
  • Our employees carry out teaching assignments at universities, colleges and academies and give guest lectures both at home and abroad.

Visit our Information Centre

Our Information Centre is rich with resources for art and heritage scholars and the general public.

High-level publications

You will find information about Belgium's art heritage in the four series and the Bulletin published by the Institute.


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Browse the publications

In the four series and the journal published by the KIK-IRPA, you will find a wealth of information about Belgium's art heritage.

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KIK-IRPA series and journal

KIK-IRPA publishes its own specialist journal, the Bulletin, and four world-renowned series, the Scientia Artis, and dealing specifically with the Flemish Primitives, the Corpus, the Repertory and the Contributions.

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RIHA Journal

The RIHA is an open access electronic journal published by the International Association of Research Institutes in the History of Art (RIHA), of which the Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage is a member.

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Resources and tools

We support heritage experts and enthusiasts in various ways. In this respect, we have made several useful tools available:

We organise training courses and activities

The Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage organises numerous training courses, conferences and other activities.

Art history seminars

Since 2000, we have organised annual art history seminars on different art themes in Belgium from the Middle Ages to the 19th century. Specialists from Belgium and abroad discuss the state of research and exchange knowledge and ideas.