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Atelier d'analyse des données de température et d'humidité relative

Le Getty Conservation Institute's Managing Collection Environments Initiative (Los Angeles) et l'Institut royal du Patrimoine artistique (Bruxelles) organisent un atelier de 3 jours (27-28 juin. + 4 juillet 2022) consacré à l'analyse des données de température et d'humidité relative.

Date et heure
27 juin 2022 09:30 - 04 juillet 2022 17:00
FeliXart Museum, Comic Art Museum and KIK-IRPA

Faciliter la prise de décision par l'analyse des données de température et d'humidité relative

Have you ever looked at a temperature and relative humidity measurements and wondered what they can tell you and why they are important for your collection?

The Getty Conservation Institute's (GCI) Managing Collection Environments Initiative and the Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage (KIK-IRPA) are organizing a 3-day workshop that will help you better understand data analysis.

After this course:

  • You will be able to interpret different visuals and translate this to improved collection care
  • You will learn how to use different existing tools and manipulate them to generate your own interesting graphs.
  • You will know how you can use this data for different collection purposes, though an overview of different case studies.

We recognize that temperature and relative humidity might not be the biggest risk for our collections, however, they do have an very significant impact on museum management and budget. This course will help you easily identify problems and choose the most adequate numerical and visuals result to answer your questions. We aim at all different types of cultural heritage institutions; from churches to purpose built museums and we look at different uses for your data; from formulating loan requirements to building requirements. This workshop combines courses and case studies with readings and exercises to give you a broad spectrum of the different types of information that temperature and relative humidity analysis can give you.

This workshop is part of the Resilient Storage Project that relies on the further support of the following partners: KU Leuven, Urban Brussels, Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, Vlaamse Overheid, Comic Art Museum and FeliXart Museum. Sponsorship for this workshop is provided by: ICOM Belgique Wallonie-Bruxelles and ICOM Belgium-Flanders.

For additional questions about content, feel free to contact KIK-IRPA.


Registration is now closed.

Les prochains événements de l'IRPA

Dîner de levée de fonds exclusif le 12 décembre 2024 dans l’église Saint-Jacques à Anvers

12 décembre 2024 18:00 - 23:00

Lors d’une expérience gastronomique inédite, nous vous emmènerons dans l’univers fascinant de la restauration des chefs-d’œuvre du patrimoine culturel belge. Cette année, c’est la chapelle de Rubens qui est à l’honneur ‒ la dernière demeure du peintre du XVIIe siècle de renommée internationale. Cette soirée inoubliable se déroulera dans le prestigieux cadre historique de l’église Saint-Jacques d’Anvers, où vous pourrez visiter la chapelle.

Voir les détails

The Archduchess Isabella (1566-1633). Artistic Agency between Madrid and the Southern Netherlands

12 septembre 2024 09:00 - 13 septembre 2024 16:00 - Instituto Cervantes & Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage, Brussels

The twenty-third Art History Seminar of the Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage (KIK-IRPA) is organised in collaboration with the research project AGENART at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM). It will take place on 12th-13th September 2024 at the Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage and at the Instituto Cervantes, both in Brussels, highlighting various fascinating aspects of the artistic patronage of the remarkable woman who was the Archduchess Isabella, who lived in Madrid and Brussels between 1566 and 1633.

Voir les détails